I gave this advice in another thread: Positive Visualization.
Close your eyes. Picture yourself calling her, every step of the process, punching in the number, pressing send, waiting as the phone rings. Picture here answering the phone. Greet her, and practice what you're going to say. Imagine her response, she's pleased to hear your voice, and she says something positive in response. As you talk to her, you're calm, cool, relaxed, funny, and charming. She responds positively, and you have a pleasant conversation that you both enjoy.
That's a bare sketch, but fill it in with the details--what she's wearing, the look on her face as she laughs, the exact wording of what you're going to say, and always imagine her responding positively.
Seriously, this works. I've used it before presentations, job interviews, my doctoral orals, and most recetnly when I interviewed for a job as a college instructor.
Calling up a girl you like can be difficult, I know from experience, but I also can tell you from experience that if she likes you, and your OP seems to indicate that she does, she's going to try to make things easy on you, and is just as worried about saying the wrong thing as you are. Really, we're not all that different from you guys in that way.
If you don't call, you're guaranteed not to have a good conversation. If you do, you're more likely than not to have a good one. The upside is much bigger than the downside.