03-23-2005, 10:24 AM
#1 (permalink)
Super Agitator
Location: Just SW of Nowhere!!! In the good old US of A
The Schiavo thing....
The issue of Terri Schiavo is becming very intense in some areas - ran across this in the Daily Dirt and thought it to be appropriate....
Everything below this was blatantly stolen from the Daily Dirt.
While conducting research for this Special Edition of the Daily Dirt, yer old pal Jerky was fortunate enough to score an exclusive interview with none other than Grim Death, himself. I hope you enjoy reading this interview as much as I enjoyed escaping with my life!
The Daily Dirt: First of all, I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer a few questions for us today.
Grim Death: No trouble at all, Jerky. It's my pleasure.
DD: Well, I appreciate it. The first thing I'd like to ask you about is your look. The black cowl, the dimly glowing skull… and that scythe! It all seems designed to invoke maximum terror. Isn't death just a natural part of life?
GD: That's a very good question. Simply put, dwelling on death when one's death is not immanent can prevent people from living a proper life. Therefore, my admittedly unpleasant appearance is, in fact, a form of aversion therapy. Besides, I only appear this way to the living. My clients see me in many different ways. For some, I am a dearly departed loved one. For others, I am the God of their Faith. I have manifested as sensations, voices, and even a reflection of the parting Self. It depends.
DD: So you're a trickster?
GD: Not at all. I don't make the decision as to how I appear. I am merely an usher, escorting my clients through the Veil. What lies beyond is different for everyone, and is of no consequence to me.
DD: So, is there a God?
GD: Next question.
DD: Any comments on the Terri Schiavo case?
GD: Not really. I helped Terri cross over back in early 1990. I deal with souls, not lower brain-stalk functions.
DD: So she's not alive? Then why all the fuss?
GD: That's where things get complicated. As you said earlier, death is a normal part of life. But it is more than that. It is the single, shining moment that lies beyond the realm of mathematics, where the finite plunges into the infinite. It is when all that you have been becomes all that you will ever be. It is the pulling away of the chisel from the stone. For some people, this is not a pleasant process.
DD: Some people?
GD: Well, take those protestors outside the hospice. For most of them, the issue isn't Terri's death, but their own. Death is never easy for fundamentalists. The process is too honest for them. I'm not Santa Claus. If you come to me with a list of expectations -- pearly gates for instance, or a thousand virgins -- you're in for a rude awakening.
DD: Well, I see your publicist is signaling for me to wrap this up, so let's leave it at that. Thank you again for this opportunity, and for all the good work that you do.
GD: It was my pleasure. See you soon!
Thought I'd hang this on the bottom

Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!
Last edited by Liquor Dealer; 03-23-2005 at 10:59 AM..