Originally Posted by CandleInTheDark
I find that you were completely in the right...
Northern city with lots of stabbings? Winnipeg?
Nope. Edmonton. Not
lots of stabbings, just more then we easy going Canadians are used to. For 800,000+ I understand we are actually pretty low.
Originally Posted by Cross-Over
I think your actions were appropriate, not even close to being a violent dumbass as your thread title states.
It is fortunate that the bouncers didn’t tag you up after the head butt. Not that it would have been fair of them, but I have known of bouncers literally beating up a guy after a slight opening (person slightly shoved a bouncer).
All in all, great story. Seems like everything went your way
I'm pretty happy that they didn't go after me. I'm also pretty happy that they got me out of there.
The 'violent dumbass' part is because:
- I went from "happy-and-a-little-blitzed' to "malicious intent to hurt" in about 4 seconds.
- I thought I was reformed from my more violent days when I was younger.
- I have personally witnessed accidental manslaughter in a bar fight.
- I know of peole who have had thier lives pretty much ruined because of an assault conviction.
- had I not been dumped in a cab and sped away, I might be in hot water.
Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
I can only hope that you broke the asshole's nose for sexually assaulting your friend. He deserved nothing less.
A big part of me agrees entirely. But my arm hurts when I try to bend or straighten it. My 'elbow bone' (ulna? radius?), or at least the flesh covering it looks like it was hit by a baseball and is still swollen. If it doesn't get better in another day or two, I'm going to get it checked out. Now, if my hard and boney arm is in this rough of shape, I have to wonder what sort of shape the other guy('s face) might be in. And that makes me feel a little guilty.