Originally Posted by lindseylatch
So, a lot of people have this problem...I think the biggest difference though is that both the people want to fix the problem. It seems that in your case, she just doesn't give a damn about how you feel. I think that's the main problem. You're willing to do all kind of things, and she won't even take one little pill.
Is this a trend in your relationship, where you're always the one compromising, and she just does whatever she wants?
Hmm... I don't think I am qualified to objectively answer this question. To me, it certainly
feels that way sometimes, but I recognize the fact that she does plenty of things to comprimise with me as well.
What's very interesting is how much the rest of my life differs from our relationship. In my professional life, I do not compromise, I do not negotiate, I am a ruthless, heartless, relentless bastard. However, all that melts away when it comes to her - she's much of the reason I strive so heard to do what I do well. I have always been ambitious, but it was always ambition without a goal - now I know that I want to be able to provide her whatever her heart desires, to build a life where she doesn't have to work if she doesn't want to - travel when we like, ect. I highly doubt she would ever stop working, but it will be nice to know that she has the option and she won't have to work because we need the money.
So, I suppose in answer to your question, as I seem to have gotten a bit sidetracked, I know I compromise quite a bit on certain issues, but she certainly does her fair share as well. When we do fight, though, she looks at it more of a "let's try and prove the other person wrong and myself right" vs me looking at it as us being a team trying to work through an issue. It seems that we aren't yet seeing eye to eye on that aspect, but I can understand how it is easy to feel that the other person is attacking you when you are very emotional.