Not a Doc, but from what I can see is that the long distance relationship is taking a toll. I would guess that you want more time with him than what you have.
The fact that you are holding out on activities unless it's with him is a big part of it.
Humans are social creatures and need interaction every day to be effective in society. the longer you go without, the more "shut-in" you become. I would suggest trying to socialize with more people at school... This will get out that need to socialize and you won't feel like your boyfriend is neglecting you when he does get the chance to visit.
As the other side of a 2 hour drive relationship, going out in the car was always last on my mind when I arrived. Generally it was almost all about the sex... (Get it while you can)
Get the socializing out of your system with other activities and focus on "couples time" when your boyfriend is in town... It'll take alot of the pressure off...
Last edited by MH73; 03-21-2005 at 08:35 PM..