Well, last year I rock-climbed weekly at the YMCA and that was something I really looked forward to. This year, however, I found that my motivation went down for two reasons: one was my schedule, as my "climbing nights" were now the busiest nights/days of the week for me (also, last year I didn't mind sleeping 4-5 hours on climbing nights; this year I tried to sleep a LITTLE more regularly and sacrificed my activities as a result). The other reason was that in my head, I didn't have as much motivation to go if my boyfriend didn't feel like going... and he was sorta feeling down for most of the fall season, too, so we ended up not doing much of anything active, either together or apart.
Looking back, if my schedule had been better, I definitely would have gone climbing more even if my boyfriend hadn't wanted to go... but as a result, the two in combination made for a bad situation.
So now I don't have much desire to rock climb again, though I will try to get back into it after my big exams in two weeks. I don't know if it'll be a sure fix, though... the whole emotionally-unstable-when-dating thing is something I want to work on in individual counseling. But again, I will take any other suggestions if you have them!
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran