Fun... heh, good question. Well, I do enjoy when my boyfriend and I are together, but that's only on weekends. And since grad school is taking up so much of my time these days, even on weekends we mostly sleep or lay around doing nothing... I want to get up and go hiking, climbing or even shopping, but somehow we don't find the energy or will to do so. The weather in PA has not helped, either. We do have some groups of friends who throw fun parties once or twice a month, so we make it a point to go to those and have a good time dancing and socializing (did this Fri and Sat night). And sometimes we rent movies, watch them with friends or ourselves. I had fun when he gave me an incredible foot massage last night...
But I have a hard time going out and doing fun things by myself, I guess... didn't use to be that way. I keep saying that I don't have time, as I know how behind I usually am in work/studies, which never seem to end. I often think that if I wasn't in school, just had a normal, boring job and working 9-5, then I could really enjoy my evenings and try some new things. But for now I think I'd better stick with my PhD program and see if I can change my lifestyle in other ways. Suggestions?
Oh, and I will take some trips this summer, to Zambia and Iceland... cool, I know. And at first I was looking forward to these, but now I'm getting scared about all the work I'll have to do for them (they are for research, not vacation) and how I'll be apart from my boyfriend for 3 months. Irrational fears, all... but still there. So I guess I haven't really done anything just *for me* in a long time. I'm not sure if I know how to anymore?