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Old 03-19-2005, 07:02 PM   #12 (permalink)
whocarz's Avatar
Location: Colorado
I don't know what you are bitching about rune. When Call of Duty came out, some people complained that it was repetative. I believe the term they used was that it was like a shooting gallery. Your men line up on one side, and the Germans on the other, and you shoot it out. In BiA, it's roughly the same, but you have to flank the enemy to actually kill them.

In terms of scripting, they feel roughly the same, but I'd say the enemy AI is better in BiA. I have actually seen the Germans change position on me. There have been a few times where I was flanking around to hit them in the rear, and when I got there, they had moved to better cover and ambushed me.

I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about when you say "Bullets don't exist in this game". I hear the whiz as bullets fly by my head, I hear the thud as rounds impact into the cover I'm behind. Perhaps you were more aware of incoming rounds in CoD because every round was a tracer, which is completely unrealistic. I have noticed quick streaks in the air when bullets come close, but nothing so obvious as the bright yellow tracer rounds from CoD.

I certainly knew when I was being shot. The blood droplets splashing on the screen and the red flash kind of give it away. I similarly can tell when I've hit an enemy. There is normally a splash of blood against the wall/sandbag/cart/etc. they are hiding by, they fall over, and generally stop moving. Death animations definately don't take 45 seconds. In fact, it seems to me that when you kill an enemy, it doesn't go through an animation, but instead uses ragdoll physics. If you want, clear up your statements about "gun physics", because I can't see what it is you are talking about.

As to the gun sway, it is a bit of a pain, especially compared to Call of Duty, where you could easily be a crack shot in even the most adverse of conditions. However, they did claim they were striving for realism, and I feel like they did a good job with the aiming system in that regard. It SHOULD be hard to hit someone while in combat. You and I can hang out at the range and pick off paper targets easily, but these people were being shot at, physically exerting themselves, and generally scared shitless. There is a reason why the number of bullets expended per kill in World War 2 was in the thousands.

That prone and lean were left out of the game is a bit annoying to me as well, but it is definately not required in a FPS. Just look at Halflife 2.

In essence, I can only see a couple of your points, and the major one (gun physics) kind of has me scratching my head. Regardless, the ones I can recongnize are definately not game breaking, for me atleast. I also find it funny you have the temerity to bitch about a game you stole, which doesn't seem like it's a rare occurance judging by your first post.

Now, my only real gripe about the game is it feels too much like an XBOX port. I like the ability to quicksave when I'm playing an FPS. I don't particularly enjoy replaying large sections of a mission over and over again. I also don't agree with the situational awareness mode. It makes the game too easy by pointing out all the groups of enemies you and your men are aware of. I think that a hand drawn map or a aerial reconnisance photo would have been much better in terms of realism.

All in all, it is a damn good game. It isn't a Call of Duty beater, but it never was meant to be. Call of Duty is a cinematic action game, while BiA is a tactical shooter. I give it a 9/10.
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Come on, you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever? -GySgt. Daniel J. "Dan" Daly
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