Originally Posted by Lockjaw
Schiling made me want to fall over laughing when he said he knew of only like 5-10 guys in 15 years that did roids. I could probably find 5-10 dudes at the local gym in 15 minutes that do them.
Time to change stance on steroids
Curt Schilling of the Arizona Diamondbacks, one of the best pitchers in baseball and widely respected, told the Washington Post, "Steroids are incredibly prominent in the game, I don't think there's any question about that."
Asked what percentage of players are using steroids, Schilling said, "I would say it's 50 percent and the 50 percent who haven't used it have considered it.
I don't think this stuff should be in front of congress but these guys should at least learn to lie a little better. I wonder if this steroid use could cause some to be denied the HOF and/or asterisked records..