Well I just finished the game, and there are some points in this thread I'd like to address.
Regarding the "not getting more powerful as the single player progresses" the point is that this game is not an RPG. Of course you don't become more powerful as the game advances, you have only weapons with which to achieve your goals, and they give you those at the outset (or very, very early in the game) to accomplish your missions. Liken it to a modern day special units operation: do Navy SEALs become more powerful after completing a few missions? Of course not, the very idea is silly.
Yes, it is short. Shorter than most other games currently on the shelves. I do not see this as a bad thing, however. The game is packed with quality throughout. The story is told from the perspective of a unit of soliders involved in a much greater war: of course they aren't going to fully know what is going on around them. They have their objectives, they go in, accomplish them and go home. That's their job. The game does a wonderful job of telling the story from the soldier-on-the-ground's perspective.
All that being said, I would not be surprised if there is a sequel or at least an expansion pack. However, this may come after the movie is released. The game is a tie-in to the movie, meant to introduce/tease you to some elements of the movie. The game takes place between the events of Episodes 2 and 3. This may account for the abrupt feel of the game's ending, as the movie will likely pick up where the game left off.
I still feel it gets about 8/10. I have yet to LAN with my buds, so we'll see how that goes.
Last edited by Coppertop; 03-17-2005 at 08:09 PM..
Reason: drunken spelling