Oh man McGwire ate a huge shit sandwich today. I think he took a credibility hit today he will NEVER recover from. It almost would have been better for him to admit using steroids to Congress instead of that "I'm not here to talk about the past" horseshit. Now he's not just a cheater, he's a liar too.
And what's with Canseco? He won't answer questions because he didn't get immunity? WHAT ABOUT HIS BOOK? That's what started this whole mess and now he's all of a sudden shutting up.
The worst though was Selig and Fehr and that complete retard Manfred. They came off as bumbling idiots. Selig says he's doing all he can; Fehr hides behind the CBA, and Manfred is a smarmy bastard. I hope and expect Congress will step in and save baseball from itself. Today was a travesty and hopefully something good will come of it.