That HOT Guy (I've never quite heard Yul Brynner referred to that way before
)has been in some pretty good movies... The Magnificent Seven, The Sound and the Fury, the classic.. Westworld (not to be confused with Waterworld) and The Ten Commandments... Having sat thru An Affair to Remember, Deborah Kerr just annoys me... It's a wonderful movie though... Shall We Dance is one of my favorite movie scenes of all time...
Ah NJ, home sweet home. Most dissed state. Third most populous state, though no where near third in size. Way too liberal for my tastes but.. We've got character... and we've got characters. We've got a long history of corruption in government, who really knows where Jimmy Hoffa is buried, we've got the legend of the Jersey Devil in the Pine Barrens... We've got a magnificent stretch of Atlantic Ocean. Head west and there's some of the most beautiful farm country and horse country you'll ever see anywhere. We've got four real seasons. We've got an HBO series devoted to mobster life in NJ (And each shot in the opening scenes of the Sopranos are all within 15 minutes (some 1000 feet) from my house. We do have the highest insurance rates in the country... but eh -- we've also got really bad drivers so we need to compensate. NJ is more than the NJ Turnpike with all it's belching factories, for a tiny state it's got a lot to offer. Oh, and those views offered from high priced NYC West Side high rises? Are of NJ...
They are paying a lot of money to look at us... Must be something special there. We've also got the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
Even though they weren't invented here, we've made them our own, we've got more diners than any place... And diner's are so NJ, that absolut had an Absolut Ad dedicated to us...