re : nice guys get no ladies, assholes get all the chicks. it's simple.
be as nice as you want to be, but set your boundaries. never extend yourself beyond your boundaries, which are presumably based on some principles that might even resemble something like ye olde Golden Rule. You get to be the nice guy you want to be, but you don't have any of these ridiculous feelings that someone (une little female, for instance) owes you shit since you were only doing what you wanted to do anyways. I might also suggest you more or less treat everyone the same, using the same boundaries - only that when girls start giving you frisky vibes, you can maybe get all birds and the bees with her, etc.
Aside from that - follow the advice of lurkette,onesnowy et al and you may find you'll be fine with the ladies.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style