well, part of it depends on what you're arguing over--is it things that you can work out or bottom line differences that won't be going away? you can't change a person and if he has personality issues that clash with your own then you have to decide to either deal with it or move on. but don't expect anything to change on his end because the only person you have the power to change is yourself.
this is a very personal decision, but i say go with your gut. if deep down you really doubt that it is right--get out now. anything less and you are doing a disservice to yourself and to him. if however, you feel you are perfect together but are just having a rough patch, you may want to try to work it out and see how things go.
relationships go through what i call a settling phase. you don't have that constant high you get from everything being "new." the shine eventually wears off and you see the warts of your partner. that doesn't mean the "spark" is gone, just that you start realizing your partner has faults and they aren't pretty--you either learn to handle them or you move on.
if you are debating the whole "love but not in love" issue, i'd say take a good look at how you define loving someone and how that differs from being in love with them. then look at your relationship and see what has changed. you are still young--it's quite possible that you've simply grown apart despite living together. it sucks, but it happens. if what you want has changed, or what he wants has changed--perhaps you aren't as compatable as you were when you got together.