Oh man, that whole theme in Garden State had me in tears when I watched it the first time. This is mostly because not long before seeing it, my mother glibly announced to me that she had sold (past tense) the only house I'd ever known, without asking me or anyone else beforehand. This was the house that I'd lived in since the age of 5 or so, up until I left for college (and despite its massive dysfunctionality, was still "home" to me even when I lived in other places, as Raeanna said), and which I still think of as home now that I am 25 and living across the country. It's the only place I've ever celebrated Christmas, basically... and to me, that's home.
I think I could've handled her just selling it, as I know that she was looking to move on from her past, but the kicker was that she sold it to a developer who will destroy the house (which my dad built himself over a period of many years), raze my beloved trees (2 acres of yard and forest), and build 100 or so cookie-cutter suburban houses. God that one just really did me in... I am so tied to the land, the house, the physicality of the home of my memories, even if that place no longer exists. I don't know if I'll ever get over losing that place until I have my own family and place to start putting down roots.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran