Well, everything seems OK. It's been about 5 hours since the procedure and other than a little soreness it feels alright. I was in the chair for about an hour and a half and the doctor said he had a bit of trouble with 2 of them, so much so that he thought he might have to get help, but eventually he was able to get them out. He said I have an unusually strong jawbone that was causing some trouble and didn't want to give some of the teeth up. Also, there was some excessive bleeding, in fact, it's just recently stopped, but I feel fine, otherwise. Maybe it's just the drugs, but I was expecting a lot more pain at this point.
On a funny note, they told me not to eat or drink anything for 5 hours before the procedure, then when I got there I had to sit in the waiting room with the Food Network on the TV for 70 minutes!!! My stomach was making all kinds of noises!
I'm just taking all precautions to try to avoid the "DRY SOCKET"! It sounds like that could be pretty painful. Hopefully I'll be feeling even better tomorrow after I get about 8-10 hours of sleep tonite.