Oh man, I've been there, everything you said. Starlight, living in a studio with another person (even your bf, or hell, even a husband) isn't a good idea... is there any way to get at least a 1-bedroom place, if not 2? You will need space in some form or another or things will get to the breaking point... I've been there and it was very stressful on me.
Luckily my bf got a job (he was living with me while job searching) when I was close to losing it, and he got his own place 3 hours away. While it's not ideal either (distance causes other issues), at least we didn't break up because of being in each other's faces all the time. I definitely feel for you, but wonder if there's any way that one of you can take a break, stay with a friend for a few days, just to get some breathing room and sort out how you really feel without any guilt or distraction from each other. Does he feel the same way? Have you guys communicated about this?
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran