Food battles never seem to stop around our house. And we are just starting on the three year old. With the one year old left to go. Our twelve year old is a lost cause for now. He was already getting what he wanted before I came in the picture. He is from my wifes previous marriage. And was getting his way for five years before I came into the picture. (All he eats is pizza, or something similar, and grilled cheese. I don't think I have ever seen him eat a vegtable) Our 7 year old daughter will eat anything that is put in front of her. And does not complain.
I think you are doing a great job. Everytime she mentions being hungry. Put the bite in front of her. The choice is hers. It is a simple task. Nothing that will harm her. Just a test of wills. But if you give in just one time. Oh Boy... So Just stand your ground. Don't give in or compromise. You have laid down the law. And now you have to see it through. Hang in there!!
Disco Duck...