I know that my wife has faked orgasms before. That was back when we were first married and she wanted to make me feel like her hero.
Over the years we've gotten beyond that. When she's sure that she isn't going to make it over the top, she'll tell me and encourages me to finish. If she doesn't, I keep trying until we're both frustrated. I like her to orgasm and she's like for me to, so we try not to disappoint each other. And for those who will ask, I do tell her if I'm having problems reaching orgasm. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen.
One of the problems with this issue is that it usually easy and pretty automatic for a guy to cum, but it isn't always that easy for the woman. I don't know how much of that is anatomical and how much is psychological. I imagine that varies from woman to woman.
If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?