I'm going to need a little more information here if you will Nemi . . .
What are your general feelings on sex?
Are you a shy person about sex and nakedness?
I think it is very unfair of him to say that you didn't have "natural response" . . . if sex and nakedness is something you are just getting comfortable with . . . it may take you a little time for your inner sex Goddess to come out
. . . he needs to understand that and let you go at your own pace . . .
When i first saw a my hubby naked and his cock (we were teenage sweethearts) . . . i was like 'rawr' . . . however, i was rasied with frank and honest talk about sex, so i felt comfortable with the situation . . .
Is it so much that you aren't comfortable with his 'penis' . . . or is it the situation in general that sorta has you freaked out??
I think it's great that you talking about this and speaking honestly about you feelings surrounding sex is really important . . . sex and intimacy are a Huge part of a relationship and your life and getting comfortable with yourself and sex is the first step to being really happy with your intimate life