Just wanted to thank everyone for their comments... while some of them stung, I deserve them all. To answer a couple questions that were raised... I'm not an alcoholic, drug addict or anything else. There is also no other woman.
Someone asked why it took so long to get the hours done, and I don't have a good reason or excuse other than I work 50-60 hours a week meaning I had to do my service on the weekends. If my priorities would have been straight I would have taken the time off work or done whatever to make sure I could get the time done, but I didn't.
I also didn't mean to come across like I was whining or complaining, as I not. I fucked up, big time. I broke the heart of the person I treasure more than anyone. I have no one to blame but myself...
Anyway, thanks for the suggestions and words, I'll post back when I get to Kansas City (hopefully in the next couple weeks) and letcha all know the outcome. Thanks again.
- Kevin