I'm finding it hard to believe that this kind of technology is bad.
They said its being designed to inflict pain without injury. Its probably an ethical way to deal with violent and destructive protestors. (although this kind of thing would probably make a revolution impossible).
They say that they're worried it might be used for torture. It's probably a really valid argument, but this type of thing that doesn't cause injury would probably be better than methods of torture today, like just beating a person to within an inch of life.
i agree with manual on the issue of protest cages.
Personally i'm wondering what happened to that "goo gun" they were developing. It was supposed to immobilize a person by making it to hard to move with like a sticky goo.
just keep in mind that in most cases, conflict is the mother of invention, and war is a conflict. i dont want to sound sexist, so you could use father too.