Right now in my 3.0GHz P4, I have 512MB (2x256MB) of RAM running at CAS 3. All the latencies are at 3-7-7-8.
I know I have to upgrade to 1GB because games keep crashing on me and I keep getting errors that I don't have enough RAM. Partly because I don't run a pagefile because it just slows down the system.
So now the only dilema I have is whether to choose on upgrading with another 2 sticks of 256MB of CAS 3 RAM or go for 2.5CAS with 1GB (2x512). I've looked on google about it and some forum said that you can get a 5-10FPS increase. That would be pretty nice considering I'm getting a FPS increase and a memory increase.
So its up to you TFP to decide :
artly:: on what I choose.