Roommate Problems
I'm not sure if this is the right forum area but if not, I guess someone will move it.
Last June my fiance (boyfriend at the time) and I moved into a two bedroom apartment with a friend of his from high school whom I also know and like. He said his cousin was moving to town, needed a place and he would share his room. We were short on cash since my fiance was between jobs and said sure. We'd met his cousin before and he was really nice. Well the friend from high school never moved in and a month or two later quit paying rent after talking to us about it. His name is still on the lease but we don't have a problem splitting the rent three ways with his cousin. Things went well for the first 5-6 months. His cousin was a decent roommate, I've already had bad roommates and so it was a nice change. We all smoke but we do it outside since we can't smoke inside. About 6 months into the lease he started smoking inside, leaving cigarette butts all over on plates and in cups. We talked to him about it and told him we didn't like it and didn't want him to. He stopped for a few weeks then started doing it again this time he was even smoking pot inside as well. Once again we confronted him, told him we didn't like it, to take it outside. He got upset and said he'd do it in his room then. We told him no, not at all. So he stopped and either went to a friends or was outside. And once again a few weeks ago he started smoking inside both pot and cigarettes but only when we aren't there. I'll come home from work and smell cigarette and there will be butts in a cup. He doesn't do it often but still he is doing it again. Now in the middle of all this our dryer broke, we told the landlord, he hasn't fixed it yet, but we haven't really bugged him since we are trying to solve the roommate thing without involving him. This last time I finally told my fiance I've had it and want to talk to the landlord, he thinks we should talk to our roommate and give him an ultimatum of stop or else next time we go to the landlord. I don't agree but decided fine. Since he is on a different work schedule than we are (he works nights we work days) we haven't really seen him at all as is normal. I wasn't wanting to be rude and wake him up when he was sleeping since it was only ciagrettes. My mistake obviously we've put up with it too long and he doesn't think we will do anything about it. Not that I blame him for thinking that. This morning I got up to take a shower and he and a friend came out of his bedroom reeking of pot. I was pissed. I feel like we've been clear enough and that he shouldn't need an ultimatum. My fiance has a job, and has for a while so we can afford all of the rent, but then money would be a bit tighter and we wouldn't be able to save for our wedding. We only have 3 months left on the lease, but it is driving me crazy. We were hoping to resolve it ourselves but that isn't working. Should I talk with the roommate and give him an ultimatum or should I just go to the landlord? I feel like I should go to the landlord and call the cops even though his cousin, our friend would probably get pissed. I've finally reached the point that I have had enough, don't want to be disrespected and am going to do something about it! The only question is what to do? Landlord? Cops? Both? And if I do go to the landlord how do I explain it and let him know we want the roommate out but he'll still get all of his rent?
Oh and I am at work right now. So I thought about calling the cops but he's probably sleeping and he wouldn't hear the door. So if I do call the cops what then?
Instead of posting a reply to Tres I'm just going to edit: that is the main reason we'd dealt with it so long. When the lease is up we aren't rooming with him again. WE aren't going to get any roommates. I hate confrontation too which has also let thing get as bad as they are. I am just afraid that the landlord will come to fix the dryer and then we will all get in trouble or that our downstairs neighbors will smell the pot and call the cops. Plus it just pisses me off, he has no respect for either me or my fiance. He doesn't throw his trash away and never cleans or does the dishes, I never said anything about the trash or cleaning since I can deal with that as long as he doesn't smoke inside, but that hasn't really helped the situation either.
Cain: I know what you're doing. I've lead troops into battle before.
DG: And, how am I doing?
Cain: Well, there's less *hugging* when I do it
Last edited by Eowyn_Vala; 03-04-2005 at 11:15 AM..