I would be all for the legalization of weed..But i think the furthest it will go is decriminalizing it, Which is good for just the average smoker, But this shit will still be happening.
Totally legalize it, Police can direct more attention to more serious issues than somebody growing a plant.
Who cares what other countries think, Legalizing it would be the best way to deal with this.
Anybody with common sense knows Marijuana is not harmfull, The only harm it does is when people are protecting thier crop..Legalize it and tragic incidents like this wouldn't be happening.
It's a battle the police will never win, For every grow op they bust..There's probably another 4 setting up. Grow ops are everywhere now, Remember the old molson plant bust? When i was reading about that police said that they know of numerous other operations but they simply don't have the resources to pursue them at the time. I'm not really sure what "We don't have the resources means" But something was holding them back from being able to act on them.
It would also cut down on crime, Marijuana is probably the biggest "Drug" in Canada..I don't hear too much about other drug busts going on..Not the size of marijuana busts anyways.
We even have a grow op board game now..Kinda like Monopoly, I'm gonna be gettin this. It's sold out all the time though.
So ya..Legalize it.
"To win any battle, you must fight as if you were already dead" -Musashi
Last edited by IC3; 03-04-2005 at 06:31 AM..