yeah, Diablo 2 stole a whole summer from me a few years ago. I played with a bunch of people I worked with, so we'd just talk about it the whole time. Funniest moment was when we were playing with some other people, all allied with eachother at the start. A little bit later, two of them decide to hostile everyone....except me. So, this guy is shooting frozen orb after frozen orb at me and its doing nothing. Then, he's truly confounded at this time, complains that he can't kill me, to which his buddy replies that I must have some kind of super cold resist. By this point I'm in tears. So, I finally hostile him, kill his sorc, and leave the game. Best moment ever. The next day I find out that after I left, he was still ranting about "my cold resist."
CUBS WIN, CUBS WIN!!!! - Pat Hughes
"Don't surround yourself with yourself." Yes