Well, I have to admit, those 7 days crawled by. I laugh about it now but going through it wasn't funny.
I don't remember sleeping that week, but I must have.
I tried to keep it to myself, and not tell any of my friends. We were catching up on old times since I had been gone for so long. Everyone kept saying "Man, the Army has sure changed you..." and I would smile instead of screaming "I AM GOING TO DIE! I AM GOING TO DIE! 6 MONTHS!"
I finally broke down and started crying outside while I snuck out for a cigarette. My buddy came outside, saw me all messed up, and I told him everything. Then HE started crying, then someone else came out to see what we were doing, et cetera ad infinitum. When everyone knew, it was cool. It wasn't weird or anything. We became closer, and everyone rallied around me for the last couple of days.
What kind of asshole could keep you waiting like that? That test better have taken all week to process. Can you imagine the doc saying, "You would normally find out in a week, but the lab tech is on holidays, so it will be 4 weeks instead."
I have been on forums before, I have lurked around lots, but something here at TFP makes me comfortable. Like all you crazy people are just as crazy as I am. It feels good.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.