Originally Posted by hunnychile
Never marry a spoiled rich kid esp. if you're middle class and level headed. And if they inherit they just blow it. Been there - done that. Be strong and get deep into the issue. You have to protect your assets and future.
I gotta say, this sounds pretty bitter. Have you guys been to financial counseling? I'd hate to get to this point in a marriage... do you look back to when you were dating and see warning signs that your husband would become this kind of spender? Does he know how upset it makes you?
I'm wondering if anyone knows someone who grew up spoiled but was able to learn some discipline and become level-headed, make a budget, stick to it, and pretty much be financially responsible. I know they are out there... and vice versa, that there are some middle-class people who spend like crazy even if they grew up in a modest home and were not spoiled.
I think it depends on #1, how much financial responsibility your parents gave you, and at what age (the earlier the better, I say), and #2, on your willingness to take responsibility for consequences (aka maturity), regardless of a rich or poor background. My boyfriend and I inherited a lot of attitudes from the way we were raised, but I think that with communication and honesty (not blaming), we're able to compromise and change some of our ways of thinking about money.

It's still a process, though... man, that stuff is just so deep under the skin, it's hard to get it out sometimes.