I am a very quiet person, always have been. I have learned to be very confident & assertive though. What has helped me was first, education, and I'm not talking about school. I take time to read and think about what I've read each day. Now, with almost any topic, I can contribute or at least understand what is being discussed.
The second is excersise. I went from 6'5, 125 lbs to 210 with a BMI of 12. The increase in size helped but I think that the biggest help was the increase in endorphins. I don't get stressed about hardly anything. I feel comortable in any setting.
Ultimately though you'll have to come up with your own recipe. Think about situations where you do feel confident, then figure out why. After that it's just a matter of applying that to as many areas of your life as you like. Don't try and fool yourself with gimmicks though. (Like the nude audience trick) Your subconcience is a lot smarter than you may think. You'll eventually reach a point where the hollow confidence of the gimmick won't cut it, then your stuck.