Originally Posted by soma
It seems I get into fewer of those situations where I'm about to cross paths with another person, and he/she will allow me to go first, then in my hesitation, I'll let them go first, and there is sort of an awkward moment when we both try to go at the same time.
lol... When I see that about to happen, I usually just pretend to look off into the distance so they think I don't see them, and they have to move if they don't want to get run into
As far as confidence goes, start to work out a little if you don't already work out. Admire yourself in the mirror. Think positive. What you think, you become. But you have to make a conscious effort to be more assertive. Whenever you see a chance to be assertive, take it. Don't be scared of situations. You have to make a conscious effort to change.
When I was younger I used to never look people in the eyes and I was really quiet and introverted. One day I just realized that I needed to be more outgoing and assertive, so I thought about ways to make myself more confident. I began to look people directly in the eyes, no matter how awkward it seemed to me. I began to talk to strangers in the lunch line. Just little stuff at first.