Good stuff all around. tecoyah's and a combination of the other advice seems to be working for me so far. Projecting a positive self image is something that reminds me of the movie Blow, where Johnny Depps talks about how outward visualization and projection are key to successfully getting drugs past customs. Now, I have no aspiration to peddle drugs myself, but this advice certainly helps. I stopped slouching completely while walking aroung campus, and that has helped. It seems I get into fewer of those situations where I'm about to cross paths with another person, and he/she will allow me to go first, then in my hesitation, I'll let them go first, and there is sort of an awkward moment when we both try to go at the same time.
MacGuyver, your comment on supporting yourself no matter what helped me make it through the other day. I often times blow things out of proportion and let small things eat away at me. This goes back to the whole perception thing. I think I'm starting to get a clearer picture of what confidence is.
Any more advice is very welcome. And again: Thanks!