3 bladed razor- new blade EVERY time- wait about three days between shaves (having short hair really ups the irritation)- HOT shower and gentle exfoliation beforehand- use
Coochy Creme !!
Seriously, no matter what shave creme you use, it's made for shaving some not so delicate skin. Coochy creme is WONDERFUL, it's soft, doesn't give me razor burn EVER, and leaves a really close shave!
Also, keep in mind sometimes when you're in the shower and your pores are really open you feel like you still have stubble going on, but then when you get out you find you're smooth as a baby's you know what. So take it easy, learn what direction your hair grows down there, and be gentle with yoself!

Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
She answers hard acrostics, has a pretty taste for paradox
She quotes in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus
In conics she can floor peculiarities parabolous