Being someone that doesn't really see the in importance in marriage...
See, if you wake up in the morning and look at your wife and the you realize that you don't love her, your problems are bigger than, "why won't you take out the garbage?" So, yeah... you look at your past and ask yourself why you're with this person and after a long list of pros and cons, a few bottles of Jack, and a carton of Reds you realize you couldn't give a shit about her and all you really wanna do is fulfill your dream of playing Peter Pan on Broadway... Then you leave. But if after all that you realize that you really do love her and that feeling you had was probably from the Tai food you had for lunch the day before... Then everything is fine and you continue to ignore how much her ass has grown since the second kid.
There is no difference. I was just stating.
heavy is the head that wears the crown