I'd laugh if it weren't so pathetic. It really amazes me that these christian folk have to go out on a limb and chastise a cartoon for according to them, it's gayness.
Maybe someone should open their eyes to the fictional world of religion. You know, Noah building an arc somewhat reminicent of the Titanic and gathering two of every animal in the whole wide world. Quite a feat by one man. How he managed to get elephants from Africa, birds from Madagascar, bears from North America and on and on. Amazing. Makes today's text messaging look like peanuts.
Even Jesus himself, took one fish and one loaf of bread and created a hundred of each by snapping his fingers. And David Copperfield thinks he is good.
Even Moses got into the act and freakin' parted the Red Sea. Hmmmm,..no ferry, (not fairy for all you homophobe christians) didn't feel like swimming cuz it was to far so what does he do? Draws a line right down the middle, parts it like a cheap MILF after too many margueritas and poof, there you have it. Didn't even get his faggy sandals wet.
Someday when I grow up, I want to be just like those folks where, reality is one dimensional and fantasy drives my total being.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.