Just finished getting back from it. We where calling it "Bok Choi: Thai Fighter" in anticipation.
I love the 'oh, did you think we used trick photography there? Nope. Here is proof!' instant replays.
The cuts to the landing scenes where also nicely seamless.
Did anyone else notice that the camera quality varied alot? As if they had a few good cameras, and a bunch of crappy ones.
Well worth watching. As for Jackie Chan, well, I'm going to get together a bunch of his best movies, and reaffirm his crown. Or have a good time. Maybe both!
To avoid the 'random menu navigation', try starting the movie up, and hitting the 'Subtitle' button a few times. Odds are you'll get to one saying 'English'.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.