Originally Posted by JJRousseau
If Walmart gave a fuck about employee turn-over, it would have adjusted its wages. It doesn't. If Walmart could improve profitability by reducing employee turn-over, it would have adjusted its wages. It doesn't. It's simple mathematics coupled with the fact that Walmart can find a limitless supply of humanity willing to work for $8/hour.
I agree. But let's do this also.
If those employees gave a fuck about Walmart, they wouldn't have quit over wages in the first place. Walmart is a huge company with many several avenues of opportunity to those who stick it out.
If employees of Walmart dedicated themselves to a career and educated themselves in order to secure better opportunities in the company, wages would be adjusted according, for those who put the effort in.
The fact that Walmart can attract people to work for $8.00 an hour is a miracle. It gives me faith that their are those who do take pride in what they do rather than miliking the system through welfare and what not.
But the simple fact is this. Walmart opened that store to give people an opportunity. They didn't have to do it. For those that tried to better themselves and worked hard, I feel for them. The lazy sloughts that think Walmart owes them something other than a paycheque, can starve for all I care. Unfortunately at the end of the day, everyone is equal.