First you need to make sure that permissions are set on both computers.
1) On the PC make sure you have either a shared drive or folder. All you need to do is right click on the drive or folder and choose "sharing and security" and click on "share this folder on the network" or similar for the hard drive.
2) On the mac go to the System Preferences and choose "Sharing". Under services select "personal File Sharing" and "Windows Sharing" might to select a few more for remote login and/or ftp. By selecting the line you want to select the bottom of the screen will you indications on how to connect from a windows machine. From the desktop scroll down the go menu to "Connect to server..." and select it. Try the browse button to see if it automaticaly finds your PC. If ti does you need to select it and probably enter the login and password of your PC (or an acount that has been created for remote login from it). It will then ask you to chose the shared folder (ther one from the pc) and that will mount in the finder and on the desktop.
3) back on the pc you can right click on "My network places" to "search for computers" and use the ip address of the mac. You will probably have access only to the "Public Folder" on the mac unless you share folders on it. Select a folder and do a "get info" from the file menu and select the "Ownership and permissions" to give proper rights.
Much of this relies on permissions from either side.
good luck
"All pop music is about sex.
Rock is about wanting to do it, jazz is about doing it,
and country and western is about feeling guilty after you've done it."
- Robert Waldo Brunelle, Jr.