my $.02, G.
I have been through about five schools (dad was in the Air Force) and was only accepted socially in one and had to move after like a year. being the kid in a wheelchair and after seperation anxiety, life was shit. now days I have few friends, but they are real. fuck quantity.
I've always felt like an outsider. I have a disorder that screams in the back of my head constantly that I am Not Wanted Here. today alone i almost didn't log on for feeling unwanted at TFP then i told myself to quit being a idiotic asshole and I loged on... and know i know that i am not unwanted.
i am just curious if you may suffer from something similiar? don't get me wrong, not only do I have the feeling, earlier in life in social gatherings I
was unwanted. but seperating the past from the present can become a severe unconscience struggle.
now days I am 24 and pretty much know my real life friends... and i loathe social gatherings, man. i can't stand gossip, i don't really have much in common with guys my age (i don't care about cars or sports) and i have no job. i also am semi punk. i have hair near to my waiste, a goatee, 'stache and earrings and for right at three years a labret in my lower lip. and i curse outrageously without even realizing it. i live in the deep south..... needless to say i don't fit the social norm.... but I care less. most of these guys have no idea where they are going past their job goals... and i literaly plan my life one day at the time.... i am
different and i can emphasize with you, if not understand nor will i pretend to.
if i were you, honestly, i would attend aother meeting or two... even if you leave early. your daughter will know. in the future she will think 'yeah, he wasn't the norm but he showed up for me.' a lot better than 'he felt out of place, so he never went'... something that can hurt her.
as for her fitting in.. i can't imagine the pain of having to watch a kid go through the same social happenings.. but it is the wway life is and she must face these matters... guide her..... but let her go through it. it builds character.
good luck...... and remember... you may be out of place from time to time but you are you and it sounds like you know who and what you are and where you stand. that's the only goal in life worth leading to. even leading to stay alive means nothing if you're a mindless sheep.
good luck. I, and probably the rest, are here for ya.
take care of the kid....