Yeah. This is why the story matters:
The White House gave a press pass to someone from a bogus right-wing "news" source (which actually came into existence only days before Gannon got his press pass) so that he could throw up softball questions to Bush or his press secretary when the real reporters were getting to tough. This guy was not only using a fake name, and had no press credentials, but also "wrote" his pieces by more or less copying verbatim the language used in Administration pamphlets, letters, and press briefings.
This guy, however, is much more than just that. He is also the operative of at least two websites in which he prostitutes himself to men for money.
More importantly, though, than the fact that an uncredentialled fake male prostitute news reporter was a White House plant during press briefings is the fact that this schmuck was given top-secret information on Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA operative by someone within the Administration, an act President George Bush the first calls treason.
That is why this story matters.
Edit - I almost forgot to mention that Gannon is also a tax evader. Tsk, tsk.
"You have reached Ritual Sacrifice. For goats press one, or say 'goats.'"
Last edited by guy44; 02-14-2005 at 07:32 PM..