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Old 02-14-2005, 02:28 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Location: Go A's!!!!
this is a tough topic for me to debate on, I was a HUGE Canseco fan as a younger boy playing baseball and watching baseball, but as all good things most that are too good to be true usually are. He already tarnished his name and is using the book to get back at everyone for not allowing him back into baseball when most scouts and owners/coaches feel he is physically not an asset to a team anymore. Like your typical athlete he did not know when it was time to call it quits.

I do think he has blackballed himself with all the shit spewing from his mouth in recent times which did nothing to help his cause of wanting to get back into the game.

Now as for me thinking he is lying about the 'roid use and such. No I do not think so, he is telling the truth I feel and when events such as the leaked grand jury testimony comes out where Giambi, and Bonds for one have said NO WE DID NOT USE, then we hear they told a grand jury yeah we did use, it adds to the small amount of credibility that Jose has.
Spank you very much
MontanaXVI is offline  

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