Originally Posted by Elusive Dreamer
oh my...
this relationship isn't a relationship; doesn't that make you feel dirty beyond comprehension??? yes, my god, it would bother me... so much as that i wouldn't have sex with him anymore, i'd be too creeped out, mad at the fact that he's not thinking of me when getting an erection, etc.
Elusive dreamer . . .
You've never thought of someone else while having sex? The thought of someone else has never popped into your mind? Plenty of people explore that in their relationships together as a couple, so saying "this relationship isn't a realtionship etc" is a bit narrow on your part, there are many people who embrace different things . . . to each their own . .. Remember that when you dispense advice.
Uptown . . .
This isn't about your sex life perhaps . . . it seems it might be concerning bigger issues in your relationship . . . and if he gets "mad" when you try to communicate with him . . . is it really worth it to be with someone who doesn't let you communicate your feelings in an open manner?
You seem like a wonderful indidvidual . . . there is someone out there who might perhaps be a better fit for you . . .