I was at the mall one time and I was at Sam Goody walkin around lookin at CD's and some guy comes up to me and says "Hey um hate to bother you but my friend wants to know if you're into guys?" and I said "Excuse me?" With a somewhat confused look on my face thinking surely I must be mistaken...Surely I did not just hear what I thought I heard...Perhaps Guys is a band I'm not familiar with and he's asking me if I've heard of them..."Excuse me?" "My friend he wants to know if you're into guys." So I wasn't mistaken...I simply and calmly justs said "Oh..no" and shook my head. Then he started trying to talk to me he was like "Yeah I told him you probably weren't he just wanted me to check." And I'm just nodding my head and pushing my eyebrows downward like "Yeah yeah I understand yeah it's cool." But in the back of my mind I swear it was screaming "GOOOOO AWAAAAAAAY!!!!!" haha.
That was kinda weird. Kinda messed me up for a minute. Started thinking "Well wait a minute do I look gay?" No offense to those of you who are haha. "What could I have been doing to make him think I was gay?" Y'know stupid stuff. Prolly the guy just thought I was good looking and wanted to know if I like guys...he'd have to ask that girls don't usually have to ask guys if they're into girls but the same does not hold true for gay men. I am however kind of "fashionable" and I walk around with a walkmen cd player singing all the damn time so I guess that might throw some wrong signals haha. If thats the case I could care less I'll keep doing that regardless.
I'm not sure if it was the very same day or the very next when I was at the mall but I got hit on by a girl too so that made me feel better. Then I started worrying if it was gonna be a pattern haha....Guy then a girl, then another guy, etc.
Hope I didn't offend any of you with that. That was a first time thing for me so it was a little weird..Guess I shoulda been flattered haha...
So any a you other straight guys or hell even straight girls ever get hit on by a member of the same sex? Did you have a similar reaction or am I just a dickhead?