Avril is so NOT punk...she's more like...played out.
Originally Posted by Cowman
So I have pretty good taste in music, I think. Most of my "favorites" include Guns N roses, blind melon, aphex twin, and Neil Young. I dig pop rock music for it's trendy sound and rap pop for its danceable beat. However, most of these pop artists have one or two listenable tunes, and I would never buy any of their CD's with prices these days.
But..I just can't get enough of Avril. I love every single one of her songs; I own both cd's and even have a picture of her as my computer wallpaper. Mind you, I think the whole Sk8rrr rock punk ass girl routine is stupid and tired, and her songs are blatently emo and for the most part, pretty much the same.
Nonetheless..I just can't get enough.
thought I should share my obsession with someone
I'm sorry but Avril is So NOT punk...she's not even really skater anymore...you know what? Come on over to my dot on the map and listen to our radio stations and watch the MTV over here...she's played WAY too much here.
For example, I find that a lot of college girls are barbie doll carbon copies with few differences...Sadly, they're dumb, ditzy, immature, snotty, fake, or they are the gravitational center to orbiting drama. - Amnesia620