Medal of Honor series:
I don't know how exactly I overlooked these game over the years. I just never got around to playing them. I finally took the opportunity to play Medal of Honor: Call of Duty last night and wow! What a game!
I was hooked within five minutes of playing. EA games does a great job of throwing you right into the action and making you feel the intensity of a firefight - something I feel I've lost due to becoming numb from previously played first person shooters. I feel like I'm playing a FPS for the first time while playing this game. I'm jumpy, on my toes, and I twitch like a counter-strike addict on PCP.
I'm looking into the other Medal of Honor games such as Allied Assault and Pacific Assault right now. I can't wait.
it's all nice on ice alright
and it's not day
and it's not night
but it's all nice on ice alright