I know this will degenerate into a back and forth debate with merits to both sides. Corporations have a right to make money, Employees have a right to earn a proper living. So I'll just post along with what I feel, as opposed to what I truly think is right or wrong.
The more I hear of Walmart the more it disgusts me. Targetted locations to drive opposition out of business, bankrupting suppliers, forcing tertiary jobs offshore in order to feed suppliers at a lower cost. I hate Walmart, and to me it stands for what is WRONG about capitalism.
I used to work for a Walmart in my teens. Day one they gave me the lecture about the evil unions, and were one to be started at our location it would have to be closed as it would become too expensive. I was fired 3 weeks later because I went out on a date (off hours) with another employee (who I later married).
I know a company has a right to earn money, as much as they can. But I feel too much of a cost is being incurred for the profits of the shareholders of Walmart.
OK kids, flame me now. I'm a ready
"Whoever you are, go out into the evening,
leaving your room, of which you know each bit;
your house is the last before the infinite,
whoever you are."