On one of my many trips to Helsinki, Finland with the amateur theatre company my jacket with wallet dissapeared at the theatre. When we packed up it was nowhere to be found and the tour boss didn't want to wait for me to do a full search. Our host promised to look for it later. This was Saturday. I figured "later" meant Sunday, the day we'd take the ferry back home. But nope, no jacket, no wallet, I had to spend 24 hours in Helsinki, in October, without money or jacket. Luckilly, I had swedish money stacked away so I could eat on the ferry and take the bus home on Monday morning. But my ID, bus pass, student ID and bank card had to be replaced at a hefty price. And I had to dig out an ugly old jacket. A week later our lovley host called and said the jacket and wallet had been found. Geez, you must've really busted your ass looking for it. He mailed the stuff to me, and I sold one of the buspasses discounted to a friend. Who of course had quite a laugh at the stupidity of my story. And my jacket never looked the same again after being crammed into an envelope.
If the bastards just had let me look for the jacket in the first place...