Originally Posted by vox_rox
This whole arguement is a Red Herring. In the first place, the only affect the legislation will have is on granting marriage licenses, which has nothing to do with religion.
For some, that statement is so easy to understand and for others, to difficult to contemplate.
You know it's funny. For the 65% who oppose gay marriages, who exactly said it was any of their business anyway. Good grief, billions and billions of dollars of taxpayers money is flagrantly wasted by big government, and not a peep from those whose money it is. But when it comes to same sex couples, all of a sudden everyone opposed has the right to decide what enfolds.
Like someone said to me the other day. The word marriage shouldn't be used for gays because they(?)engage in anal sex. I replied that there are heterosexual married couples that engage in anal sex also. The response was that they didn't, only gays performed anal sex. See the mindset here? I have to wonder what other gems come from folks like that.
Really, this issue should be as complicated as deciding if one double doubles at Tim Horton's or not. The next decision should be of securing ways to get a life.