well my problem is that I dont have but one bridesmaid so there arent a lot of us to do something like that and get "free" stuff. I've just honestly never had a person put makeup on me and the places I've looked at that do stuff like that charge 500 bucks and up.
I just wanna see if I can do it myself just as well. Im in need of a new foundation so maybe I'll head up to the mall and see if someone can help me in exchange for buying some.
I have an ulta 3 and a merle norman right down the road so I'll check them out. Dave is working a lot of late nights so I was thinking of trying to go somewhere after work----I wont get near a mall on saturday's
I adore mary kay, its really the only makeup I like....but I have two female friends, only two....and one doesnt wear makeup...so a mary kay party wont work for me. I signed up for a new representative at the bridal show sunday so maybe if they contact me I can ask them if they will do a makeover.