Originally Posted by Squishor
I've particularly noticed this in internet forums, actually - the ones I fled from to come here in fact. You have a bunch of guys online talking about hot chicks and how they'd like to bone them, or not, as the case may be. Someone posts a picture of a perfectly good-looking young women, and all these guys come out of the woodwork and criticize her looks because she's not perfect enough.
That is one thing that I really like about this forum. I am new, but my husband has been a member for over a year now. He has posted some pictures of me in the exhibition site. While looking through that forum, it was nice to see people complimenting people on their bodies. I think that people, men especially, need to realize that real women are not on rigorous physical training, do not have a private dietician, do not have plastic surgery, and are not airbrushed.
I went to a beauty salon and was talking to one of the stylists. One of her friends in a Victoria Secret model. She said that the pictures of her don't even look like her because of all the airbrushing.
Anyway, now I am on a roll...I think that media needs to start showing real people. Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly were not stick thin, yet they were considered very sexy and beautiful.
A few years ago, I was teaching 3rd grade and one of my girls was already turning anorexic because of media influences. Her mom caught her searching for diet pills on-line and hiding her lunches in her backpack. I had to sit with her and make sure that she ate her lunch. It is sad to see how society is corrupting the image of people. I know that I am not fat at 5'7" and 127 lbs. However, I sometimes feel overweight after watching certain television shows and looking at the magazines in the grocery aisle. The only thing that makes me happy is that although I don't have a perfect complexion, large breasts, blonde hair, and a sculpted body, I do have a brain and a personality (not always a good one, but it is there

Sorry if that went off in 20 different directions, it always hits a sore spot.