Firstly, note that poll was done by, or commssioned by (it doesn't say which) by the National Post. On top of that, there is no mention of what metircs are being used, what level of confidence is built in to the poll, what demographic was surveyed, nothing. This is extremely suspect.
I mean, if I went into a nursing home and asked 100 vets if fags should invade their marriages, they'd all say Hell no! If I asked 100 university students if they supported a change in legislation to allow same-sex couples to enjoy the rights and freedoms of a long-term monogamous relationship recognized under the law, they'd all say Hell yes! So, What form(s) did the quesiton(s) take? Who was polled? when?
Polls mean NOTHING.
As for the "gay rights" and "definition of marriage" thing, well, that is the rallying cry for homophobes beacuse it makes them look less filled with hate (though they still are), more understanding of gay issues (which they don't and probably never will understand until their son tells them he's gay), and, most importantly, it's EASY TO REMEMBER!
Come on, "traditional definition of mariage?" What kind of an arguement is THAT?
Sorry for the rant, but I am losing patience with the stupidity and shallowness of the anti-gay marriage lobby, and I can't help myself.
There is no such thing as strong coffee - only weak people.